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Law and Ethics - Why Should I Care About the CAMFT Code of Ethics?

  • Friday, February 21, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Presented by: Mike Griffin, JD, CAMFT Staff Attorney

3 CE credits

Discount for Chapter Members
Members of a local chapter will receive a $5 discount on the Law and Ethics webinars. It's our way of saying thank you for being a valued part of the chapter community!

Registration Fees:
Chapter Member $60 | CAMFT Member $65 | Non-Member $85

This three-hour workshop provides a broad overview of the ethical standards found in Part I of the CAMFT Code of Ethics and the procedures expressed in Part II of the Code which govern the actions taken when an ethics complaint is filed.

The workshop will discuss examples of alleged ethical violations that are reported to the Ethics Committee and offer suggestions to therapists regarding ethical practice.

Vignettes will be utilized, as appropriate, to illustrate examples of scenarios which often lead to complaints, and to suggest practices which may be helpful to therapists in avoiding ethical problems.

Attendees at this workshop may earn a total of three hours of continuing education (CEU) credit, as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences for licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed professional clinical counselors. 

Vignettes will be utilized, as appropriate, to illustrate examples of scenarios which often lead to complaints, and to suggest practices which may be helpful to therapists in avoiding ethical problems.

Attendees at this workshop may earn a total of three hours of continuing education (CEU) credit, as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences for licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed professional clinical counselors.

Topics to be discussed

  • What is the purpose of the Code of Ethics?

  • What topics are addressed in the Code of Ethics?

  • What is the role of the CAMFT Ethics Committee?

  • What does it mean to say that something is “unethical?”

  • Who is obligated to follow the Code of Ethics?

  • What should I do if someone files an ethical complaint against me?

  • When should I consult the Code of Ethics for guidance?

  • How can therapists avoid ethical complaints?

Learning Objectives

Attendees at this workshop will be able to:

  • Explain what the Code of Ethics says about “Ethical Decision-Making.”

  • Utilize the Code of Ethics to locate ethical standards which concern Confidentiality; Informed Consent; Telehealth; Responsibility to the Legal System; Financial Arrangements; Advertising; Dual/Multiple Relationships, and other topics.

  • Identify one or more ethical considerations when working with clients who are involved with the legal system.

  • Identify one or more ethical considerations when a client asks you to write a letter.

  • Describe the functions of the Ethics Committee.

Discount for Chapter Members
Members of a local chapter will receive a $5 discount on the Law and Ethics webinars. It's our way of saying thank you for being a valued part of the chapter community!

Registration Fees:
Chapter Member $60 | CAMFT Member $65 | Non-Member $85


Disclaimer Regarding Presenter Pronouns: SDNC CAMFT’s current policy is to ask presenters for their pronoun series to include on promotional materials. However, if presenters choose not to include their pronouns or if this is a CAMFT hosted event, pronouns may not be displayed. We apologize for any harm caused. 

For general information, grievances, our refund policy, or ADA accommodations, please review our
Events Policy page or e-mail 

San Diego North County Chapter of CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (Provider #128622) to sponsor continuing education LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and LEPs. San Diego North County Chapter of CAMFT maintains responsibility for the provided program/course and its contents. 

970 W. Valley Pkwy., Ste. 101

Escondido, CA 92025

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