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Chapter Committees

Committees are an important part of the chapter and exist to support the chapter and its members. Committee members must be SDNC CAMFT chapter members. We are currently looking for committee chairs and volunteers to form committees.

Committee Chair Job Description

We are currently seeking member volunteers interested in developing a DEI committee.
Please see the DEI Committee Chair Job Description to learn more. 

Other committee opportunities:

Finance Committee
The Finance committee makes recommendations to the Board and develop plans to maintain financial well-being in alignment with the chapter's mission.

Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee ensures that chapter is in compliance with Bylaws, interprets Bylaws, and reviews proposals for amendments, and manages the amendment process.

Continuing Education Committee
The Continuing Education Committee oversees the renewal process for the CEPA program through CAMFT so that the chapter can maintain its status as a continuing education provider. 

Sponsorship Committee
The Sponsorship Committee networks with community organizations, mental health facilities, and businesses to expand our chapter's outreach. Sponsorships are imperative to the chapter's ability to provide quality, cutting-edge trainings to our members. 

Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee works closely with the Board to provide a welcoming environment our chapter events by greeting attendees, answering questions about membership, and helping members connect with one another. 

Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee reviews applications for our pre-licensed scholarship and works together to offer a scholarship to a pre-licensed member based on need and merit. 

Please contact admin@sdnc-camft.org if you are interested in becoming a Committee chair, forming a new committee, or joining one. 

970 W. Valley Pkwy., Ste. 101

Escondido, CA 92025

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